The Official Club for Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia
Join the ASDCV
ASDCV Members receive the ASDCV Newsletter and reduced entry fees to ASDCV events & competitions, utilise the knowledge base of club resources, and enjoy the benefits of a friendly dog club focused on the Anatolian Shepherd Dog in Australia.
Becoming a Member of the ASDCV helps the ASDCV advocate for the interests of Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia, and enables the ASDCV to conduct breed events, and provide official Anatolian Shepherd Dog reresentation as an Applicable Organisation affiliated breed club.
The ASDCV is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation and all contributors and committee members donate their time on a voluntary basis.
Download 2021 ASDCV MEMBERSHIP FORM WORD version or PDF version
Issues of the ASDCV Newsletter: